New Sidebar

Table of contents:

Turn on New Sidebar

Click the button ´Switch to the New Sidebar´

Enable New Sidebar in the settings window:

New Sidebar Structure

New Sidebar is created on a module based structure.

It has App Dock from the right side 

and Workspace Sidebar that has Modules part.

App Dock

App Dock contains all Applications and Links you use often and would like to open them quickly.

You can Add Application or any Site link into the App Dock clicking on the plus button and then putting needed URL.


You can drag and drop Apps/Links icons in the App Dock to make a perfect order for you

If you need to Delete/remove App/Link from App Dock you should click on the needed icon and just drag it to the basket icon below the App/Links icons

Workspace Sidebar

Currently you can add two modules: Tasks and Workspace Tabs

Each of those modules you can make to be a Global module. It means it will be saved across all Workspaces. So you will see it in any Workspace you would switch to.


In Tasks module you can:

  • create task lists
  • create, complete, remove tasks
  • drag and drop tasks within the task list
  • pin a task list
  • see the progress, i.e. how many tasks from the list are completed (for example, 3/5)

Please, read more about Tasks Module in this article.

Workspace Tabs

This module has the same functionality as Workspace area has in the old Sidebar.

Switching to Old Sidebar

You can easily switch to an Old Sidebar by clicking on the button 'Use Old Sidebar' at the top of the New Sidebar.

At the Settings page you should turn off a New Modular Sidebar

Once you turn off this setting the Old Sidebar is enabled.